Sunday, June 06, 2004

Too much food

For the second night in a row we went out to eat at a nice place and ate fancy food. Unfortunately I had ice cream in the afternoon not realizing how early dinner was going to be so I wasn't hungry again. Oh well. I was hungry enough for dessert.

Stupid Tivo didn't record the finals of the US gymnastics championships. We so had a season pass set for anything with gymnastics! ARGH!!! Oh well we know someone who has it taped.

My mom was in the Palo Alto Daily today! She and my sister got stopped on the street downtown yesterday and was asked about what she thought of Reagan. Here's the quote:

"I appreciate him more now than I did then because I'm more conservative now than I was in the 80s. I was just talking with my daughter about his death, and she was saying her econ teacher thought he was the worst president ever for economics. Now that I think of it, was it worth going into debt for what he accomplished? We saw the end of the cold war."

My sister is in the other room with two of her friends going through their yearbook and listing all the ugliest people in the class. And I thought I was mean....


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