Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Life Inside the Beltway

Sorry for the lack of blogging. The real world has thrown some punches and I didn't want to just whine on my blog.

I'll get the crappy stuff out of the way: The first night I had my car it got towed because I parked it in Denise's reserved spot thinking no one would care unless the owner of the spot called in, but no...they do care. And the Tard of the Week award goes to the cab driver who took me to the wrong towing place even though I gave him the business card WITH THE ADDRESS ON IT. Luckily the two young kids working at the wrong towing place were really nice and drove me over to the other one. Then two days later I got a traffic ticket. This whole having a car thing was not working out.

But now things are better and I drove to Bucknell and back on less than a tank of gas this weekend. It was nice to get away and see people. Jackie got me a Garfield birthday cake. I ate it straight off the tray which was really fun. It's over half gone now. I ate in the caf once and it really seems like the food has gone downhill. The M&M cookies were thin and weak and not very chewy. It's sad because M&M cookies are what made the caf worthwhile.

Saturday I went shopping with Mandy and Jackie. I start working tomorrow and needed some more work clothes. So we went to Gap and I tried on some pants that sit up around your belly button. For these pants, I was a size 8. Then I tried a different style that sat lower and the 8 was clearly too big, so I tried a 6 which was still too big so I tried a 4. Perfect. WTF.

I have no idea what I'm in for with this job tomorrow. It's with Coca Cola and I'm reporting to high level administrative people which intimidates me. I got it through a temp agency so I didn't interview and have never been to the place. I hope they don't care I don't drink Coke.

My sister is off at college now at Bates. I think about her a lot and really hope she has a good year. Freshman year is a lot of fun. I want to go visit her at some point. Woohoo to $108 round trips from Independence Air!

Denise and I are considering moving since we've been having a lot of problems with the apartment like roaches and the hot water goes off periodically and we've heard a story about someone getting stuff stolen from the laundry machines. The laundry machines really sketch me out here so I brought all my dirty clothes and sheets to Bucknell this weekend. It was nostalgic getting to use the the gateway washers.

If you read my AIM profile then you've already seen this, but I'll put it here anyway:


(And pass the message along.)


At 9/08/2004 2:46 AM, Blogger sandra en palo alto! said...

YAY! for your job
BOO! for all your problems with your car, apartment, and gym
you should take a bottle of pepsi and a bucket of KFC to work and see what happens. maybe not on the first day though. they might think you're a spy!

At 9/08/2004 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Janie!

I'd keep the thing about not drinking Coke under wraps. They probably wouldn't necessarily like you more if you told them that. I don't drink Coke either, btw. All that sugar and acid and caffeine! Yuck.

I sent you a bday card, but I don't think you got it. Your Bucknell address is dead now? What's your new one? Tell me tell me! :-)

OK, I'll stop pestering you. I hope things are going well with you. Take care, and I'll TTYL.



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