Friday, September 17, 2004

Experiementing with substances at "work"

I continue to sit in my cubicle and do nothing. I was actually given a task this week: To put together about a hundred orientation binders. I sit with them at my desk and go back and forth between that and playing on the computer. That way it looks like I'm actually doing something when people walk by, but right now everyone's in a meeting so I'm saving the "work" for when they get out. I am so not worth $15/hr.

I have officially deemed Thursday night as TV Night. I'm very impressed with Joey, especially for a spin-off. And of course, The Apprentice is awesome. I will have to make sure I never have conflicts on Thursday nights.

Currently, I'm trying to see how much of a caffeine kick I can get. I'm not a huge fan of coffee, but it's something to do so I'm drinking pretty slowly and only on cup two. I drown it in cream and sugar.

I heard on the radio this morning that newly pregnant women are more likely to be murdered than die any other way. Wonderful. I'm assuming these women are murdered by the fathers and as bad as I feel for them, (I know I say this type of stuff a lot) shouldn't they at least see it coming in these men??

Crap. I just spilled coffee on me as I was finishing my second cup. It came out the little straw. It's all good though cuz it's almost lunch time. I'm on to cup number three, but first I gotta pee.


At 9/17/2004 5:09 PM, Blogger Laura said...

oh janie, you are so wise.
you know things like if a girl gets raped, that it's her fault. if she gets pregnant, then that's even worse. and then if she gets murdered for being pregnant, duh! she should have seen it coming. why was she so irresponsible?
on the other hand, you know there are things that are other people's fault too. like if a girl doesn't interview very well for post-college employment, fails to dot her socks, or maybe just doesn't know who shamoo is, then it is totally and compeletely the fault of her mother! naturally.
you know just where to draw the lines, janie.

btw, i think you might be going to hell someday...
love you!

At 9/19/2004 4:00 AM, Blogger Peetie said...

How is murdering one's newly pregnant girlfriend any better than having an abortion? I guess abortions cost more, but I think abortions are easier to get away with, and more legal. People are insane.

Don't drink too much coffee. You'll get hooked and turn into one of those Starbucks snobs who gets brainwashed into thinking "tall", "grande" and "venti" actually mean "small", "medium" and "large".

By the way, Philly, it's 'Shamu'. (I miss Everybody!)


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