Monday, June 14, 2004

Wacky plum picking

Michelle and I went to Stanford graduation today to cheer on some of our highschool friends. Unfortunately we couldn't find any of them during the wacky walk. Of what I did see, my favorites were the people who did Palm drive and the ones who ran around with pac man cut-outs.

Then we sat through the big ceremony part and listened to Sandra Day O'Connor who I thought was pretty good. After her speech, the president mentioned a woman wrote him a letter saying Sandra Day O'Connor spoke at her graduation at Stanford back in 1982 when she received her Doctorate and was pregnant with her daughter who is now graduating today. Michelle and I thought that was cool in itself and then we found out it was Alisa they were referring to! Craziness.

I don't think I'm going to enjoy this picking plum job. I went out there today and used the long stick thingy with a little cage at the top to shake the ripe ones into it. But I end up shaking the whole tree so other ones fall around me and almost on top of me. Meanwhile, nothing ends up in the cage. GRRR! I don't even like plums that much. I wish we had a peach tree.

I just spell checked this entry to and it didn't recognize the name "Michelle". But it did give me random names to replace it with like Miguel, Michel, Mikhail and Macaulay. WTF???


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