Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Ok, all fixed

**I didn't realize the first entry about the Surreal Life got posted because when I tried to post it, it gave me an error message, but apparently it did get posted. Then when I posted the rewrite, I saw the first one, but the internet was so slow I didn't have the patience to fix it. So now I have gotten rid of the first one and added the Bad Advertising Strategy to the second one.**

I actually did something at work today and it wasn't data entry, it was color entry. I used Excel and color coordinated cells according to whether someone had a time sheet signed or not. I think I'm going to fool around with it some tomorrow, because I don't like the colors being used. There are four and they clash. Magenta, light pink, olive green and lime green. Even I have better taste than that. (They were chosen before I started working on it.)

I think the coffee at work was stronger than normal this morning. I had the normal one cup but was extra jittery. This was not good for the phone interview I had during my lunch. My voice was all choppy. I lacked suaveness. Sigh. Better luck next time.

Since I got a rave review from my sister about the chin hair piece, so I figure I should continue with bodily news. Apparently I have hives. At least that's what Denise thinks it is. It's either that or a lot of bug bites in which case I should be worried about blood loss. In any case, I have taken some Benadryl for the itchiness. Also, I'm realizing that I'm going to have to wear my bottom retainer for my whole life. If I go even one night without wearing it, I can start to see my one very crowded tooth get pushed back. Back to the hives...I hope I'm not allergic to my sheets. But they're jersey sheets so then I'd have to be allergic to t-shirts. (Wow that would suck.) Hmm...I've never really been allergic to anything...what a mystery.

I just did spell checker and I accidently spelled anything "anythiny" but it didn't even suggest "anything" as a correction. It did have "anytime", "Anthony", "antenna", and "Antaean" which has the never before seen "aea" combination, just to name a few. So when I typed in anything as the correction, it gave me a warning box saying my replacement "HAS NOT been validated". (Caps are theirs.) But it validates "Antaean"??? Since words don't have feelings, I'm going to feel insulted for "anything".


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