Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Just a couple thoughts

I haven't blogged in a while beacuse frankly, I can't think of anything to write about. It's not that I haven't been doing anything, in fact I've been very busy. But I haven't had much confidence in my blogging skills that I can make my life entertaining to read about. I have had a few random thoughts/rants though, that I thought I'd share.
  • The Olympics are coming up and I'm uber excited, but I'm also sad because I don't feel like there has been all that much hype surrounding them. I don't even know when the opening ceremonies are. Maybe this is because I'm not watching enough NBC shows though. Also, I can't stand it when they call the host city Turin instead of Torino. I realize we don't call Rome Roma or Florence Firenze, but come on, Turin is just ugly and doesn't sound remotely Italian.
  • On my commute to work there are a number of stop lights with no green left arrow. Therefore, people turning left have to wait for traffic. In many situations, this is very annoying, but on this particular street we have been blessed with a fat island in the middle giving left hand turners the opportunity to crawl forward and left a significant amount so as to let people going straight go around them safely. However, many left hand turners are not aware of this blessing and stay completely in the lane blocking people like me. Hence the lesson of this blog entry is to take advantage of fat ass islands when you're turning left to save the sanity of people like me. Thank you.


At 2/07/2006 10:51 PM, Blogger Allison said...

opening ceremonies = friday night

At 2/10/2006 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like allison said, the opening ceremonies are friday night (tonight). if you look online you can see the coverage listings. they're horrible. there's barely any coverage. it's all ice skating and snowboarding. nothing cool like biathlon or bobsled except on cable, and i don't have cable!


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