Friday, June 25, 2004

Color Changes

I just got back from Peetie's where we fooled around with some things on my blog as you can probably tell. It was so much fun! I got to use more html :) We spent so much time trying out different colors and getting rid of the stupid "I power blogger" thingy on the side bar. This probably won't be the end of changes...

We also went to Border's this evening to look at some Dummies books for computer stuff. There are SO MANY dummies books now. I looked online and there's even "Breastfeeding for dummies" and "Beekeeping for dummies". I have a $30 gift card there that I got for graduation from my neighbor/former piano teacher who is old and fairly proper. What I really want to get is the new Dave Barry book called "Boogers are my Beat", but I feel bad using the gift for a book with a title like that. It would be a pretty awkward thank you note... I still haven't decided what I'm going to get with it so if anyone has any appropriate suggestions, let me know!

I spell checked this entry and finally forced it to learn "Peetie", "blog" and also "boogers".


At 6/25/2004 3:37 AM, Blogger Peetie said...

Hi Janie! I love your purple blog. I think you forgot to change the footer color, though.


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