Thursday, October 07, 2004

I can drink Pepsi guilt-free

My stint at Coke is over Friday. They finally realized they don't need anybody. (Duh.) It was good while it lasted. Though I was running out of things to look at online. So many cool sites like theonion are blocked. I'm currently signed up on friendster, thefacebook and collegefacebook. This has allowed me to spend hours stalking random people. I highly recommend it. I do wish you could search people by high school on collegefacebook though. But I probably wouldn't find many people from Gunn since the Ivy League schools aren't on there.

I can't say I'm overly upset about this job ending. I didn't want to be there forever to begin with and it will give me some time to get things done next week. I have an interview Tuesday with Corporate Executive Board for a Sales Associate position. Ok, this is starting to sound like a normal person's blog. Done.

The toothbrush holder has been resurrected!! This is a glorious event. Denise must have the magic touch.

Survey question: I'm in the market for a new hair dryer. Does anybody have suggestions? My cousin Genelle has one I really like, it's Revlon, but it's old and I don't know if I'll be able to find it easily. I like hair dryers that are powerful, but don't feel like they're burning your hair. I wanna say from my experience that the louder and sharper the noise it makes, the more it seems like it's burning. Also, the straighter your hair comes out with it, the better. I realize these are hard things to balance, but I'd appreciate some input.


At 10/07/2004 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I made your blog! I feel famous. If anyone wants an autograph you can give them my number... :) Anyway, I have been thinking about buying a new hair dryer... I was planning on looking around for one this weekend. If I do end up getting a new one (price is my issue) then you can have the old one if you want it. We can chat about it later. Smile! -Genelle


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