Saturday, June 26, 2004

Baby cow and bitter chocolate

My dad just got back from Italy and he brought me home some Dutch chocolate. YUM.

Speaking of Italy, my mom and I went to a yummy Italian restaurant on California Ave last night. I had this amazing ravioli type pasta stuffed with chicken and veal. cow... :)

Michelle and I went swimming today at the Y. My endurance is pathetic. I tried a lap of butterfly and after 5 strokes I gave up. I've always had pretty good swimming form, but I just don't have the endurance to swim lap after lap. I'll probably try again though.

Gymnastics Olympic trials are on in half an hour. I am super-duper excited!

Blech! I just tried this 100% cocoa chocolate my dad got in Italy. It was pretty much like baker's chocolate, but marketed as a candy bar. I think I'm gonna be tasting that for a while.


At 6/27/2004 1:37 AM, Blogger Peetie said...

Hi Janie,

100% cocoa is pretty potent. My dad once bought me a little chocolate bunny for easter. It was sugar-free chocolate, and it tasted AWFUL, like waxy plastic. It took awhile for the taste to finally get out of my mouth. So, good luck with that...

At 6/27/2004 4:53 PM, Blogger sandra en palo alto! said...

hey janie,
here's my blog.
it'll take you a while to read. it's long. and no real details. but i'll add some later.


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