Thursday, January 20, 2005

I'm a Working Girl!

I am almost done with my second week of work. I still don't know what to make of it. Bascially I process exam registrations and orders that come in for study materials. This week I had to enter in all the FAILS for people who FAILED exams this fall. It may have been repetitive, but I felt a sense of power. Plus the names keep me entertained. Yay foreigners!

Today we got to wear jeans in honor of the inauguration. This is good because I basically have only two pairs of pants I wear to work. I doubt anyone will really notice, unlike at GEICO, but it's still nice to get to throw in a third pair this week.

We had a potluck last week on my third day and I made people like me by making my yummy brownies. And today I brought in a bag of mint oreos which went away very quickly! I broke down at the grocery store the other day when I saw them on sale, buy one get one free. At least I dimished my selfishness by sharing the transfat with others. But only the second bag.

I lost my driving-in-snow-viriginity yesterday and it was scary. I was so focused on the road that I almost ran a red light and had to break really hard. It probably would have been safer just to go through it since it had just turned, but oh well. It caused my overdrive to go off and I had to get the manual out to figure out how to fix it. Turns out there's just a button on the park/drive/reverse thing. I felt dumb, but relieved I didn't need maintenance.

For some reason I've been wanting to sleep with my head on my arms, but this causes my arms to fall asleep completely numb and wake me up in the middle of the night. Then, in my half awakedness, I let it tingle out and proceed to shift my head to a different part of my arm, thus repeating the whole process. I have no idea how I got myself into this unwanted ritual. But now I must go and try to stop it. Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I got a job!

Jackie came down to visit for the weekend so I got to celebrate getting a job with her! We did super cool things like go out with my now EX! coworkers from my last temp job, ice skating, and the Arlington National Cemetery where I managed to drop my cell phone as I was trying to turn it off at the very beginning of the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. D'oh.

And next week Annie's coming down! Lucky girl gets to go to the inauguration thanks to Bates College Republicans. I'm trying to talk her in to staying Thursday night and skipping classes on Friday so we can hang out some because now that I've moved I don't get to see her anymore. *tear*

I can't believe I become like a real adult tomorrow. *tear tear*

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Happy New Year!

*Warning: This entry is a little random and has no real flow or order to it. But I guess that's usually the case.*

Hooray for 2005! I have two calendars this year: a Garfield wall calendar and a Book Lover's Page-a-Day that I got for free when I bought the Garfield one and the Outhouse one which was my dad's Christmas gift.

I can't think of any resolutions to make. This isn't to say I think I'm perfect. But I already workout, I don't smoke and I don't feel like changing my diet even though I probably should. Maybe I could quit playing hearts and spider solitaire on the computer. Or I could decide to be nicer. But I think I'm nice enough.

I got home last Wednesday and had a pretty nice break. I finally got to go ice skating on Tuesday! I did a couple decent spins and some half-assed jumps where I was only in the air for about 90 degrees. And I didn't fall! So many people fell and it was hilarious to watch. Especially when it was a father and son pair and they drag each other down.

For Christmas I got some shirts and books. My mom picked out the shirts and one I'm a little unsure about. So I'm getting as many opinions as I can. So far reviews are mixed. It's pink with pleats on the shoulders and has a big flower print on the bottom right. It's not as bad as it sounds, but not quite as good as it should be... I also got some comfy kerries (flip flops). I think they're great, but my sister got the same pair and thinks they're ugly. Oh well.

The weather here is completely baffling me. I never thought my first New Year's out east would be my warmest. It was nearly 70. And tonight as I was driving back from the gym it was still 64. I think what gets me about east coast whether the most is how drastically it can change. The standard deviation of temperature is much bigger. So for now...rock on global warming!

I have discovered one thing I like about driving in Virginia: The yellow lights are about twice as long as the ones in California.

Jackie's coming to visit this weekend and has a whole list of fun things she wants to do which is awesome because now I know I won't be sitting on my butt doing nothing...woohoo!

I had a low moment tonight and had to hand wash some socks and underwear. This should hold me over for a few days until I give up and realize I'm just gonna have to use the washers in the basement. Boo hoo.