Friday, August 26, 2005

And the verdict is...nothing surprising

Got my blood test results the other day. It's mono. Duh. At least I have an excuse for having been a lump of laziness for the past few weeks. Haven't had much of an appetite for anything except ice cream and television. And since I ran out of my Ben and Jerry's the other day, all I had last night was a glass of oj. The doctor says my liver is swollen and my spleen is prone to rupturing so I can't drink or play contact sports which sucks because I just joined a kickball team. But I figure if I stay in the outfield and play flip cup with water (yes, I know, lame) I should be ok.

I don't like having to put my life on hold, but perhaps it's a blessing in disguise because I really need to study for the GREs. I just need some discipline. So after Sunday, the plan is to make it my new age (23) resolution to learn vocabulary words instead of the prime time TV schedule.

My friend Melinda has revived her blog after a one year leave of absence. Check her out on my side bar.

WTF: Blogger doesn't recognize the word "kickball"?!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Outside my box

I bought a plant. It's from Target. Bye bye plant-ownership-virginity. It's simple and has basic green leaves. I'm quite proud of myself for buying a little something to decorate my room. The next day I was at Safeway and saw some more plants. I wanted to buy one for my cubicle, but all the ones in pretty pots were ugly and the ones in ugly basic reddish/orange pots were pretty. Those struck as plants that were meant to be taken out of the pot and put in gardens. Some of the ugly pots were wrapped in glossy green paper, but that just looked tacky. I was stumped on what to do plant-wise. So I bought a plug-in air freshener. (For my bedroom, not my cubicle.)

Not to sound like I'm always making excuses, but part of the reason I haven't blogged recently is I've been sick for the past few weeks. I've had a slew of symptoms like fever, sinus infection, itchy all over and general grogginess. I finally got my blood tested today and will have the results by Friday. Mono is my best guess at this point, but we'll see. Fun times.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Further thoughts on M&Ms

After writing my last entry I did some math to come to some sort of conclusion. I won't bore you all with the equations, but it turns the maximum amount of area one circle can take up in a square is the same as four circles taking up maximum area in the same square. Therefore it doesn't really matter what size they are. Of course I'm discounting the fact that M&Ms are 3 dimensional and oval shaped. I think Jackie's right though, that the best would be a combo of big and mini M&Ms, assuming the mini M&Ms can fit in the big M&Ms' spaces. Happily, I was able to satisfy my craving Friday morning with a bag of normal M&Ms from 7-11.

This past weekend I came down with what was probably a sinus infection. I was visiting my cousins and not able to enjoy the bread my cousin's wife made for dinner Friday night as much as last time because the infection had reached down into my back teeth making them very sore. My other cousin let me sleep in her bed that night (thanks Maureen!) and I woke up with a completely dry mouth. I think I slept on my back and breathed heavily through my mouth all night because it took numerous tries of creating saliva to get it back to normal. Thankfully, I'm feeling better, but my teeth still hurt and I just had some trouble eating triscuits a few minutes ago.

In good news over the weekend, Rina and Mordy had a baby girl! Congratulations! You know you come from a good area when the first baby born to someone from your graduating class (especially a class that had a bad reputation) is born in wedlock. Rock on Gunn High.

*Spell check amusement: The first suggestion for "Jackie's" was jackass.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Biggy M&Ms!

Check this out! M&Ms are getting big. As curious as I am to see them, I do have my skeptic side. I'm not sure how the logic works out, but it seems to me putting bigger circles together means bigger gaps and hence less chocolate for your money. However, there are also fewer M&Ms because of the bigger size and therefore a fewer number of gaps. So does it work out evenly or not? What if they filled in the gaps with Mini M&Ms? Come to think of it, I haven't had M&Ms of any size in a while.