Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Happy Happy Joy Joy Down in my Heart! Ack

Happy things in Janie's life:
  • I haven't yet lost my keys or wallet or purse. Knock on wood.
  • I got a coupon for a free gallon of milk!!
  • I got to spend time with Michelle and some of her other friends from palo alto and go into DC three days in a row.
  • I have managed to lose weight despite eating bag after bag of oreos.
  • Except for a flat tire, traffic ticket and towing, I haven't had any car troubles.
  • I checked out Peace Kills by PJ O'Rourke from the main library.
  • This isn't necessarily happy, but it's notable: I had a 20 minute conversation with one of Denise's friends about scurvy and how he eats limes to avoid it.
  • Quote from Allison: "What is this chicken dog crap? Jane, you might as well become a terrorist."

But otherwise, life sucks. The job search is in full gear this week, and if I don't get any interviews, I'm going to cry. Also, since I didn't take a trip anywhere this weekend, I have to resort to doing laundry here at the apartment tomorrow. I've put it off so long, I had to handwash three pair of underwear the other day.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Greetings from Greenbelt, MD!

Toe update: Still a little black and blue and it's scabbing over nicely. My shoes hurt a lot less...on my toes that is. I have something on my heel/achillies that makes wearing shoes even more painful than it was on my toes. Dunno what it is, but it better not be infected! *Angry face*

For my fellow Palo Altans who have entered the trap of The Circles, if you've ever wondered how the streets are laid out, here ya go. I had no idea they were circles inside of circles. Like donuts, cool!

If you haven't checked out the link in my profile already, this video of John Edwards doing his hair is great. Makes me feel manly. No sound is necessary and it is quite long so after he puts on his glasses you can stop watching because nothing much happens.

I'm at a new temp job in Greenbelt, MD. That's right...I'm working out of state and the commute is quite something. I'm very underslept because I have to get up at 6:15am and those enticing baseballs games have kept me up at night....thanks a lot EDT. And as my luck would have it, I got a flat tire on the way home yesterday. Bastard construction nails.

On a brighter note, I have THREE friends coming this weekend!!! Charles, Allison and Michelle. It will be a nice little mixture of college and high school. And there are plans to go to karaoke in Alexandria, but don't count on me performing since the crowd will be bigger and full of people I don't know.

Along with my heel/achilles mystery and the flat tire, my boo list for this entry also includes this bus I took in the district last night to go from the metro station on I street to a restaurant on U street. It stopped at EVERY SINGLE BLOCK! I find this completely unnecessary. The blocks are not long at all and just going to every other one would be totally reasonable. Let the people have to walk a little!

My sister is on a field trip to Mt. Saint Helens for her volcano class. And no, you aren't mistaken, she does go to school in Maine. I think this is the coolest field trip ever. It was planned well before it started erupting and I'm totally jealous. Don't get lavaed Annie!!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Back inside the Beltway

I just got back from my second weekend visit to Bucknell since I graduated. I don't remember what I said about my last visit and I might be repeating myself here, but I went into the C-Store to check out the candy and it has really gone downhill. No chocolate covered oreos, chocolate covered york mint bites or bite size kit kat balls. Shame on the C-Store. It used to have the best selection of candy I had ever seen and now it pretty much only consists of gummy crap.

I went to Karaoke with the BUCC crew Thursday night. Notable moments include:
-Adam asking Charles if he wants to make out.
-This picture of Charles and Matt.
-Allison and I singing We Didn't Start The Fire (my first karaoke song-go me!)
-Charles falling on his ass.

Boo moments of the weekend include:
-Opening to door to KP right on my two littlest toes. Somehow I managed to open it so it gouged out skin from IN BETWEEN my toes. NOT cool. It is also very bruised and closed toed shoes are painful. Please pray for quick toe recovery.
-My less than satisfying meal in the caf. I have missed eating in the caf, but now I'm convinced that my hot dogs with cheese wrapped in a slice of bread are fine dining in comparison.

Sign I'm getting old:
The fact the I clearly remember something that happened 15 years ago--The '89 earthquake. That's one and a half decades!!! There's something about this anniversary that's as much of a mark of my age as my birthday. I don't feel like I should be old enough to remember something from that long ago.

Way to make money, possibly?
Step 1: Pair up with someone voting for the opposite presidential candidate from you.
Step 2: The two of you register in a swing state (PA, OH and FL are your best bets, but in reality it's probably too late to do this so just lie).
Step 3: Separate to different parts of the state surrounding yourself by passionate radicals on the opposite side of you and tell them if they give you money that you won't vote. See how much you can make. This way your vote doesn't lose out and you make some dough. Too bad my next trip to Bucknell is right after the election.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


I have made some dramatic changes on my side bar. I have added Amanda's, Genelle's, my dad's and Uncle Murphy's blogs and then put them in alphabetic order. I have also decided to archive by month instead of week. It has been wild in blogland.

I flew upto NH this past weekend for my grandmother's and great-aunt's birthday dinner. They are 93 and 99. I also went so I could see my parents. But they made a wrong turn and didn't make it to the dinner. Needless to say I was a little disappointed and racked up a nice bill for them by getting an appetizer, steak alfredo, wine and a dessert drink. They ended up meeting us afterwards at my grandmother's old folks home. My parents paid for the trip for me and considered changing my flight to the next day so I could spend more time with them. My mom's response to this in front of everyone was "How much is this going to cost us?" Caaaaan you feeeeeeel the loooooove toniiiiiiight. Cuz I can't. But due to other circumstances, I flew back that night.

To no surprise, the first thing my mom commented on was my weight. Since I joined the Y, I've been exercising everyday and my pants are getting loose. This is good, BUT, I can't afford new pants at this point so I'm having to counter this by eating loads of mint oreos. Golly gee, darn!

Message to the Arlington Fire Department: The beanie cap twirly things on the front of your trucks that spin and light up when the sirens are going do not make them look like important vehicles to which others should yield. They look like toys.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I can drink Pepsi guilt-free

My stint at Coke is over Friday. They finally realized they don't need anybody. (Duh.) It was good while it lasted. Though I was running out of things to look at online. So many cool sites like theonion are blocked. I'm currently signed up on friendster, thefacebook and collegefacebook. This has allowed me to spend hours stalking random people. I highly recommend it. I do wish you could search people by high school on collegefacebook though. But I probably wouldn't find many people from Gunn since the Ivy League schools aren't on there.

I can't say I'm overly upset about this job ending. I didn't want to be there forever to begin with and it will give me some time to get things done next week. I have an interview Tuesday with Corporate Executive Board for a Sales Associate position. Ok, this is starting to sound like a normal person's blog. Done.

The toothbrush holder has been resurrected!! This is a glorious event. Denise must have the magic touch.

Survey question: I'm in the market for a new hair dryer. Does anybody have suggestions? My cousin Genelle has one I really like, it's Revlon, but it's old and I don't know if I'll be able to find it easily. I like hair dryers that are powerful, but don't feel like they're burning your hair. I wanna say from my experience that the louder and sharper the noise it makes, the more it seems like it's burning. Also, the straighter your hair comes out with it, the better. I realize these are hard things to balance, but I'd appreciate some input.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Bates, Tabasco, and Tongues!

Time for a blog entry before I forget everything!

I flew up to Bates College on Thursday to surprise my sister for her birthday! It was so great to see her. The school is really perfect for her, and I'm really glad she's happy. So many people's jaws dropped because we look nothing alike. But they did say we walk and talk similarly.

I saw lots and lots of polo shirts. And there are buildings on the campus named Smith, Olin, Carnegie and Dana. I think I type for all Bucknellians when I type WTF?? I also must say I'm very grateful Bucknell didn't have sinks where you had to hold the knobs to keep the water running. This would have messed up my whole face washing routine that requires the use of two hands. And you know how Janie gets when her routines are messed up....

I flew this new airline called Independence Air. The seats are leather and bright blue! But they only recline like an inch. Did you know that you may get more room in an exit row, but there's a vent on the exit door that blows cold air right on you? And also, you can't recline seats that are in front of an exit row. This is because that inch of space is the difference between life and death. Duh.

On the flight back we had to sit at the terminal for a while so we got a free beer for it! This was actually exactly what I needed for the flight because it happened to be one of the most turbulent ones I've been on and the drink kept me from having a heart attack.

And of course I kept myself amused by looking through Skymall catalogue. Check out the 23 types of tabasco sauce gift basket for $100. And also the Humunga Toungue for dogs, which in the description they clarify that humunga is named after humungous which is slang for very large. Is there some correlation between people who fly and low IQs I don't know about that people who work for this catalogue do?