My big project right now is applying to grad school. I've picked out my schools and I could end up in Norcal, Socal, Oregon, Colorado, Virginia, DC, Pennsylvania or North Carolina. I think one of the worst things that could happen to me is to get in to every school and then be forced to make a decision. Last week at Thanksgiving dinner, I realized how much I've enjoyed getting to know my extended family better and see them more often over the past five years. I know if I chose to go somewhere not on the east coast I'd miss this. On the other hand, this is an ideal time in my life to live somewhere totally different.
As for the rest of my Thanksgiving weekend, it was awesome. I'll just list the highlights:
- Got to see Rina and and her super cute three month old baby Shira.
- Went to the farm in Connecticut where there were 20 people for dinner. There were three turkeys all killed by way of brain-scrambling right on the farm.
- Picked up my peacoat at Jackie's then did the Jersey thing and went to a diner.
- Stayed with Alisa and John and their two super cute kittens in NYC.
- Went to the Brooklyn Brewery where I got a "tour" and a free beer.
- Went to the Brooklyn Museum where I got a free private lesson from Alisa, who's getting her Masters in Art History and Art Conservation, about a lot of the pieces.
- Braved Macy's in NYC on Black Friday.
- Ate at Friendly's twice.
- Left a pair of shoes at Alisa's.
- Left my toothbrush at the farm.
- Put 760 miles on my car.
For those of you in Palo Alto, I'll be home from the 23rd to the 2nd. I will be keeping myself busy with shopping, hanging out with friends, going to the dentist and drinking Clover Stornetta Egg Nog, last years winner in my highly scientific egg nog taste test. Unfortunately it is only found in California so I have to settle for Southern Comfort out here. I'm still only on my first quart.
What else, what else...oh yeah. I'm planning to send out Christmas cards this year. If you're reading this, email me your address because chances are I don't have it. It sounds dumb, but I'm actually stressed about some of the etiquette involved. For instance, do I lump my uncle and his three sons (my cousins) into one card even though none of them live with him? One's married, one's living on his own and the other's in college, but goes to his mom's when he's home. And what about my uncle's step children who I saw frequently growing up and consider normal cousins? One's now married with a baby so should she get her own? Then what about the other who's still living at home? UGH!! And this is only ONE family out of so many with similar situations. It seems like if I send one cousin a separate card, I should send each one of his/her siblings a card too. But that ads up to so many! Suggestions are welcome.