Happy Happy Joy Joy Down in my Heart! Ack
Happy things in Janie's life:
- I haven't yet lost my keys or wallet or purse. Knock on wood.
- I got a coupon for a free gallon of milk!!
- I got to spend time with Michelle and some of her other friends from palo alto and go into DC three days in a row.
- I have managed to lose weight despite eating bag after bag of oreos.
- Except for a flat tire, traffic ticket and towing, I haven't had any car troubles.
- I checked out Peace Kills by PJ O'Rourke from the main library.
- This isn't necessarily happy, but it's notable: I had a 20 minute conversation with one of Denise's friends about scurvy and how he eats limes to avoid it.
- Quote from Allison: "What is this chicken dog crap? Jane, you might as well become a terrorist."
But otherwise, life sucks. The job search is in full gear this week, and if I don't get any interviews, I'm going to cry. Also, since I didn't take a trip anywhere this weekend, I have to resort to doing laundry here at the apartment tomorrow. I've put it off so long, I had to handwash three pair of underwear the other day.